Instructions for Registration/Abstracts

Please register by using the "Inscripción" button on any page of the website.


In the first step of the registration process, you can enter your abstract.

Title of the research paper: Please enter the title of your abstract.

Research paper (maximum 2500 characters, no figures): Please enter the authors, affiliations, and body of your abstract, and your preferred presentation format as follows.

 - Authors (Name and surname, followed by a number associated with their affiliation).

 - Affiliation/s.

 - Text of the abstract.

 - Presentation format (indicate if you prefer oral or poster presentation).



You can pay with a credit card or by bank transfer.

When paying by bank transfer please fill the following information:

Concept: Surname, Name 123 WORM

Beneficiary (if nedeed ): Universidad de Sevilla


The organization will issue an invoice once the payment has been received. 



The deadlines have been extended by 15 days to ensure everyone has ample time to complete their registrations and submissions.


New Deadlines:

  • Registration (100 €): July 30th
  • Abstract Submission: August 15th
  • Payment: August 15th


Please, make sure you follow the instructions in the email below for registration. It is important that you include title, authors, affiliation, abstract and preferred presentation format upon registration.

